Provider Resources

Housing Types & Funding

Affordable Housing – Types & Approaches

An overview of affordable housing in NYS provided by members of the New York State Association for Affordable Housing.

Affordable Housing How-To Guide

A brief guide on how to use state and local relief funding for affordable housing development and preservation.

Consolidated Plans

Search the Community Planning and Development portal through HUD for local consolidated plans.

ERASE Racism’s Affordable and Inclusive Housing Tool

This interactive dashboard utilizes over 30 fair housing indicators to support the work of affordable housing development and fair housing initiatives across NYS.

Housing Models and Funding Opportunities

Discussion with members of NYS Homes and Community Renewal to provide updates on current funding opportunities and the new state budget along with a look at the future of capital funding for supportive projects.

HUD Fair Market Rents (FMR)

Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) annually sets fair market rent values by state and county that are used to determine rent ceilings and payment standards for a variety of programs, including the Housing Choice Voucher program and the OPWDD Housing Subsidy Program.

HUD Income Limits

Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) sets income limits that determine eligibility for assisted housing programs.

Mainstream Voucher Guide

A guide to Mainstream vouchers available through Section 8.

Neighborhood and Rural Preservation Program

Neighborhood and Rural Preservation Program (NPP and RPP) provides administrative funds to support community-based not-for-profit corporations.

Non-Elderly Disabled (NED) Voucher Guide

A guide to non-elderly disabled vouchers available through Section 8.

NYS Access to Home Program

NYS Home and Community Renewal

A multi-family supportive housing overview provided by Darren Scott of Homes and Community Renewal.

Supportive Housing – Types & Approaches

An overview of support housing in NYS provided by Stephen Piasecki of the Supportive Housing Network of NY.

TAC: Database of Vouchers for People with Disabilities

The Technical Assistance Collaborative provides a comprehensive online database by state of Housing Choice Vouchers directed at special populations, including people with disabilities.

TAC: Priced Out Report

The Technical Assistance Collaborative provides an online tool to understand the affordable housing crisis for people with disabilities whose sole means of income is SSI.

What is Supportive Housing

A brief overview of supportive housing from the Supportive Housing Network of NY.

Living in Your Own Place - Interview Series

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Support Services

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Tenant Rights & Responsibilities

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