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Worksheet / Checklist

10 Secrets Every First-time Homebuyer Should Know

NeighborWorks America offers additional tips that every person should review as they are preparing to buy a home.

A home-inspection checklist if you’re buying a NYC condo or co-op

The following article by Marjorie Cohen on Brick Underground discusses the importance of home inspections for apartment or condo purchases as well as general guidance on choosing an inspector. Eight specific areas are highlighted as essential areas for an inspector to consider when looking at a unit in a larger complex.

A Housing Journey Podcast – Season 1

In season one, John Maltby simplifies complex housing topics by breaking them down into easy-to-understand mini-informational episodes.

A Housing Journey Podcast – Season 2

In season two, host BJ Stasio explores the unique challenges and triumphs of navigating the housing process.

A Journey to Creating A Housing Plan

Marieta Austin provides an overview of the housing planning journey with key questions to consider at each stage of the process.

A Quick Guide to SNAP Eligibility and Benefits

Guide to SNAP benefits provided by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

Adele Friedman Housing Accessibility Fund

The Fair Housing Justice Center provides targeted financial assistance for accessibility modifications for people with disabilities in NYC, Long Island, and several neighboring counties. Visit their website to learn more.

Adirondack Community Housing Trust

The Adirondack Community Housing Trust preserves a selection of homes in the Adirondack Park as affordable for families making up to 120% of the area median income. Visit their website to learn more.

Advocates for Children of New York

Advocates for Children of New York is a Parent Training & Information Center serving the 5 burroughs of New York City. Funded by the US Department of Education, a PTIC provides training, information, and assistance to parents of children with disabilities.

Affordable Housing – Types & Approaches

An overview of affordable housing in NYS provided by members of the New York State Association for Affordable Housing.

Affordable Housing and Integrated Supportive Housing – Introduction

John Maltby provides an overview of affordable housing options by region with a focus on OPWDD’s Integrated Supportive Housing program and NYC resources (4th Session - 2021 Statewide Learning Community).

Affordable Housing Corporation (AHC)

The NYS Affordable Housing Corporation (AHC) creates homeownership opportunities for income-eligible families by providing grants to organizations to subsidize the cost of new construction or renovation.

Affordable Housing How-To Guide

A brief guide on how to use state and local relief funding for affordable housing development and preservation.

Search tool for affordable properties available to voucher holders seeking units in the private market.

Applying for and Moving Into Affordable Housing

A planning tool that provides a step-by-step guide for affordable housing units, from application to move-in date.

Are you ready for homeownership?

HUD provides this brief video on the basics of thinking about and getting ready for homeownership.

Are you Ready to Buy a Home Checklist

Hands on Banking provides this checklist to help determine if you are ready to buy a house.

Article 15 – Human Rights Law of NYS

New York State legislation regarding fair housing and equal rights is captured in Article 15 of the Executive laws of New York.

Assistance Animals in Housing

Disability Rights New York provides a written fact sheet on issues related to assistance animals in housing.

Assistive Technology Equipment List

List of resources and technology options provided by ATech.

Assistive Technology Issues Checklist

Key considerations when seeking to implement smart devices and assistive technology options in group living arrangements.

Assistive Technology Resources

The ATiA is the global leader in assistive technology (AT) education and research and the premier organization for AT manufacturers, sellers and providers.

AT Village

AT Village makes it easier for families and care teams to work together to get kids with disabilities the Adaptive Technology (AT) they need in order to do the things they like to do!

Autism Housing Network

A project of the Madison House Autism Foundation, the AHN aims to provide a central hub of housing information, developer tools, and resources in order to build more neuro-inclusive communities.