After crisis and group home placements, he moved back home with his mom and sister and started Self Direction in 2013. With the support of Community Habilitation staff and a clinical non-direct staff trainer, Tommy was able to gain the skills to move out of his mom’s home when she and his sister moved to NC in 2017 (see the IDGS Definitions Chart and pages 48–49 of the Housing Resource Guide). Tommy then transitioned to a one-bedroom market rate apartment close to where he had grown up. A nonprofit provider became his Rep Payee, and his support broker provided “Enhanced Brokerage” covering a lot of the day-to-day communication, staffing supports, savings reimbursements, oversight, and alignment for the staff to ensure coverage is at optimal times adjusting when and as needed. Rent in the market rate apartment costs increased during COVID, so Tommy moved to an affordable apartment. Though he moved 22 miles from where he grew up, he saved 43% in monthly rent. The staff helped Tommy move his belongings since he had previously used the OPWDD Transition Stipend in 2017. Tommy was able to meet another tenant who later became his Paid Neighbor. Tommy uses the Assistive Technology of an Amazon Echo Show if he needs remote support or virtual staffing. Today, Tommy works three days a week, attends many local events, goes to his local gym, attends his Special Olympics Sports, visits the local library, and has learned his new town. He uses Household-Related Items and Services to help clean and maintain his apartment and CDPAP personnel for his medication and medical assistance.
Self-Direction Services
- COM HAB staff 7 days a week for 45-60 hours
OPWDD Housing Subsidy
IDGS Services, Including:
Community Classes
Clinician Consultant (Non-Direct)
- Memberships
Paid Neighbor
Household-Related Items and Services
OTPS Services, such as utilities, phone, internet, and clothing allowance.