Additional Rights

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Worksheet / Checklist

Further Learning

Hiring a Moving Company

The New York State Office of the Attorney General provides these brief tips on your rights when hiring a moving company in the state to ensure you are protected against unfair treatment.

Snow Removal – Albany

Disability Rights New York provides written facts sheets on the snow removal protocols in each of the five major cities in New York State. These fact sheets outline who is responsible for different surfaces and who to call if there are concerns with accessibility.

Snow Removal – Buffalo

Disability Rights New York provides written facts sheets on the snow removal protocols in each of the five major cities in New York State. These fact sheets outline who is responsible for different surfaces and who to call if there are concerns with accessibility.

Snow Removal – NYC

Disability Rights New York provides written facts sheets on the snow removal protocols in each of the five major cities in New York State. These fact sheets outline who is responsible for different surfaces and who to call if there are concerns with accessibility.

Snow Removal – Rochester

Disability Rights New York provides written facts sheets on the snow removal protocols in each of the five major cities in New York State. These fact sheets outline who is responsible for different surfaces and who to call if there are concerns with accessibility.

Snow Removal – Syracuse

Disability Rights New York provides written facts sheets on the snow removal protocols in each of the five major cities in New York State. These fact sheets outline who is responsible for different surfaces and who to call if there are concerns with accessibility.

Your Right to Have a Roommate

The Met Council on Housing answers several important questions regarding your right to have a roommate. Check out this resource for more information.