OPWDD: Self-Direction
Self-Direction (SD) – Introduction
John Maltby provides an overview of Self-Direction, a key funding mechanism of services needed to achieve independent housing.
Self-Direction Success Stories
Join Melanie & Nivek or Jeiri as they tell their stories about choosing to self-direct their services. These videos were produced as part of the pilot project Increasing Equity & Access in Self-Directed Services, a collaboration of four provider agencies with funding from the Golisano Foundation. Videos are available in English and Spanish.
Transitions Case Study: Meet Tommy
Tommy is 34 years old. See how he has been living independently for 7 years with minimal natural supports.
Shared Living Case Study: Meet Nicole and Patty
Nicole is 26 years old and Patty is 28 years old. See how these sisters have been living together for two years with shared supports and staffing.
Live-In Caregiver Case Study: Meet Jordan
Jordan is 32 years old. See how he has been living independently for eight years with Live-In Caregiver support.
Housing & Self-Direction: Individual Directed Goods and Services (IDGS)
Trish Calandra describes how IDGS through a self-directed budget can support a person with living in their own place.
Housing & Self-Direction: Other Than Personal Services (OTPS)
Trish Calandra describes how OTPS through a self-directed budget can support a person with living in their own place.
Housing & Self-Direction: Staffing Options
Trish Calandra reviews staffing options that are available through a self-directed budget to support a person with living in their own place.
Housing & Self-Direction: Housing Subsidy Application Process
Trish Calandra reviews the application process for the OPWDD Housing Subsidy when this service is included in a self-directed budget.
Further Learning
In The Driver’s Seat
In The Driver's Seat provides guided support and a community forum for those in OPWDD Regions 1 and 2 who are navigating the self-direction process.
Homepage for Self-Direction provided by OPWDD.
Self-Direction Guidance for Providers
This document broadly defines self-direction services and provides direction to brokers and providers when implementing the services that are available through a self-direction budget.