Rental Assistance
Rent Subsidies – Introduction
John Maltby provides an overview of rental assistance programs available for people with developmental disabilities through Section 8 and OPWDD.
OPWDD Housing Subsidy Program (Nov 2022)
Seth Greenman provides an overview of the OPWDD Housing Subsidy Program, including recent administrative updates as of November 2022.
TAC: Section 8 Made Simple
A guide provided by the Technical Assistance Collaborative to understand Section 8 and HUD’s Housing Choice Voucher program.
Further Learning
Housing Subsidy Information for Landlords – Chinese
Brochure on the OPWDD Housing Subsidy program (formerly known as Individual Supports and Services (ISS)) to be shared with landlords in need of additional information.
Housing Subsidy Information for Landlords – English
Brochure on the OPWDD Housing Subsidy program (formerly known as Individual Supports and Services (ISS)) to be shared with landlords in need of additional information.
Housing Subsidy Information for Landlords – Korean
Brochure on the OPWDD Housing Subsidy program (formerly known as Individual Supports and Services (ISS)) to be shared with landlords in need of additional information.
Housing Subsidy Information for Landlords – Spanish
Brochure on the OPWDD Housing Subsidy program (formerly known as Individual Supports and Services (ISS)) to be shared with landlords in need of additional information.
CityFHEPS Rental Assistance
A rental assistance supplement for people in NYC administered by the Department of Social Services.
Developments Receiving HPD Section 8 Project-Based Voucher Subsidy
NYC Housing Preservation & Development (HPD) administers rental subsidy programs and provides this listing of affordable housing developments that are subsidized by Section 8 Project-Based Rental Assistance.
Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Guide
This guide provides details on how to qualify and apply for a Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher as well as how to find an apartment using the voucher.