Affordable Housing
Housing Solutions for People with Developmental Disabilities: A Success Story
In 2019, The NYS Council on Developmental Disabilities (CDD) partnered with the NY Alliance for Inclusion and Innovation (NY Alliance) on a housing grant call "Statewide and Regional Housing Collaboratives." Through this 5-year project, the NY Alliance had conversations around New York State on how to better support people with developmental disabilities in finding housing of their choosing. This is a success story from that grant.
Finding Affordable Housing
In this video John Maltby provides a tour of several housing search tools and essential housing-related topics for finding affordable housing in your area.
Affordable Housing and Integrated Supportive Housing – Introduction
John Maltby provides an overview of affordable housing options by region with a focus on OPWDD’s Integrated Supportive Housing program and NYC resources (4th Session - 2021 Statewide Learning Community).
Further Learning
Search tool for affordable properties available to voucher holders seeking units in the private market.
HDC Housing Opportunities
The NYC Housing Development Corporation provides a listing of HDC-financed developments that are accepting applications for either vacancies or waiting lists.
Housing Lotteries
NYS Homes and Community Renewal (HCR) provides updated information on current housing lotteries and new affordable housing availability in NYS.
Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Guide for Renters
The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program allows low and moderate-income renters to pay an affordable rent. This guide from Affordable Housing Online breaks down the details for renters.
NY Housing Search
Search tool for affordable housing in New York State.
NYFSC Home Sharing Program
This free service matches hosts with an extra bedroom or private space in their house or apartment to compatible guests looking for affordable housing throughout New York City’s five boroughs.
Find Your Local Public Housing Agency (PHA)
HUD maintains a list of Public Housing Agencies (PHA) that administer a variety of housing programs, including public housing assistance, housing choice vouchers, etc. Visit this link and select your State to see a list of the agencies.