Person-Centered Planning
A Journey to Creating A Housing Plan
Marieta Austin provides an overview of the housing planning journey with key questions to consider at each stage of the process.
Developing a Circle of Support
Marieta Austin provides an overview of questions to ask when developing a circle of support for those interested in living independently.
Getting Started: The Road to Independent Housing
John Maltby provides an overview of important considerations when getting started with planning for independent housing options.
Person-Centered Housing Planning
Kirsten Sanchirico discusses principles of person-centered planning as it relates to making a housing plan.
What is the Role of a Care Manager?
Marieta Austin provides an overview of the role and responsibilities of a care manager as a person is seeking to live in their own place.
Family Driven Planning
Dina Adler discusses how to use FamilyFind techniques to help to build a Circle of Support for people who may at first appear to lack connections.
Move Planning & Transition
Seth Greenman, Certified Housing Navigator discusses the critical issues in transitioning from either a Certified or non-certified home into an independent home.
The Life Plan
Join the NYHRC team and master housing navigators as they discuss the development of a Life Plan for those seeking to live independently.
Further Learning
Family Finding
Connects people who may seem to have few family reources.
Quality of Life and Person-Centered Practices
National Core Indicators provides this infographic reporting on 5 key findings about quality of life and person-centered practices for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.