Regional Services
NeighborWorks Network Directory
NeighborWorks America maintains and supports a network of organizations who provide local housing assistance programs. If you are looking for homeownership education, down payment assistance, support with repairs, affordable housing options, rent relief, and more, visit their directory and search by your address to find an organization near you.
Rural Preservation Companies – Search Tool
Rural Preservation Companies (RPC) are community-based nonprofit organizations that utilize state and federal grants to provide a variety of housing assistance programs in rural communities, such as preservation and rehab, housing counseling, etc. Visit this page and use the directory to find a RPC in your area.
Habitat for Humanity – Find Your Local Habitat
Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit organization that helps people to build and improve affordable places to call home. Visit their site to learn more about their work, and use the search tool on their home page to find your local Habitat.
Habitat for Humanity of Suffolk
Lee Silberman of Habitat for Humanity of Suffolk provides an overview of programs available through Habitat for Humanity.
Rochester Housing Development Fund Corporation (RHDFC)
This program allows individuals and families of low and moderate income to begin the journey of home ownership in the City of Rochester through the acquisition and rehabilitation of single-family homes that are then subsidized for qualifying homeowners.
Buffalo Urban Renewal Agency
The City of Buffalo Urban Renewal Agency supports community and neighborhood development projects, including low-interest home repair loans and down payment assistance. Check out their guide to housing resources in the City of Buffalo.
Seneca Housing
Seneca Housing is a nonprofit agency providing housing programs and services for income-eligible people in Seneca County, including housing choice vouchers, homeownership education, and financial counseling.
Housing Development Fund Corporation Cooperatives (HDFC Coops)
NYC Housing Preservation & Development (HPD) finances the construction, rehabilitation, and stabilization of HDFC Cooperatives, which are shareholder owned housing options in NYC. Visit this site to learn more about HDFC Coops and opportunities for ownership.
Adirondack Community Housing Trust
The Adirondack Community Housing Trust preserves a selection of homes in the Adirondack Park as affordable for families making up to 120% of the area median income. Visit their website to learn more.
Further Learning
New York Land Bank Association
Land banks are a local, public authority that acquires and redevelops blighted and abandoned properties to return them to productive use in the community. Visit the NY Lank Bank Association to learn more, including a map of the land banks operating across New York State.
Neighborhood & Rural Preservation Company Directory
NYS Homes and Community Renewal provides a company directory for both Neighborhood Preservation Companies (NPC) and Rural Preservation Companies (RPC) that receive funding to provide a variety of housing assistance and affordability programs.