First-Time Homebuyer
Are you ready for homeownership?
HUD provides this brief video on the basics of thinking about and getting ready for homeownership.
Future homeowners: know your numbers
NeighborWorks America offers a brief video review of important financial numbers to consider when thinking about buying your first home.
Further Learning
10 Secrets Every First-time Homebuyer Should Know
NeighborWorks America offers additional tips that every person should review as they are preparing to buy a home.
Are you Ready to Buy a Home Checklist
Hands on Banking provides this checklist to help determine if you are ready to buy a house.
Calculating Your Gross Monthly Income Worksheet
NeighborWorks America offers this worksheet for figuring out your monthly income.
Finding the Right Neighborhood
NeighborWorks America offers this worksheet for figuring out where you want to live.
Home Buying Resources
Hands on Banking is a free public service program offered by Wells Fargo that includes many resources in English and Spanish on preparing financially for homeownership and the responsibilities of being a homeowner.
Home Ownership: Benefits & Realities
Hands on Banking provides a helpful comparison of the benefits and realities of homeownership.
Better Money Habits provides many free resources on homeownership topics, including mortgage basics, calculating true costs, tips for what to ask lenders, etc. These resources are provided as brief written overviews, videos, and infographics with many additional topics to explore.
How Long Does It Take to Buy a House?
This article by Kate Ashford on walks through a general timeline of the homebuying process, including tips on how to save time in the process and the benefits of working with a real estate agent.
New House Checklist: What You Need in Your New Home provides this article by Kim Porter that includes a before and after checklist for a new home as well as tips for moving into a new house.
Seven Steps to Obtaining a Mortgage
NeighborWorks America outlines these steps for getting your first mortgage.
Tips for First Time Home Buyers
The New York State Office of the Attorney General provides this list of tips for first-time homebuyers to consider in order to know your rights and protect against unfair treatment.