Enabling Technology
Beginning the Tech Conversation with Families and Staff
Springbrook’s Hank Lobb shares his insight and experience with implementing technology into support.
Cooking Smart
Cooking safety is a journey for everyone. Here are some tips and resources to make it easier.
Enabling Technology: Supports for the 21st Century.
Meghan O'Sullivan provides an overview of enabling technology and options that are available for those seeking to live independently.
Types of Medication Devices
Technology from basic alarms to devices to remind, organize and communicate out.
Enabling Technology in Action
Join Carol and Meghan as they share a video about Steve who transitions from 24-hour setting to his own apartment using enabling technology options.
Setting up for Success
Meghan O’Sullivan discusses how to understand, assess and utilize technology optimally, and how to gain more independence with technological support.
Technology as a Natural Support
Join a discussion with Carol Napierski as she highlights ways for technology to act as a natural support for people seeking to live independently (6th Session - 2021 Statewide Learning Community).
Further Learning
Enabling Technology in Action tutorials
A collection of video tutorials on enabling technology options and device setup.
Smart Device Accessibility Tutorials & Resources
A collection of video tutorials about using accessibility features on different device platforms, including Google, Windows, Android, and Apple.