TRAID Center Overview
Technology Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities (TRAID) Center - Presented by Melinda Dolezal of the NYS Justice Center for the Protection of People with Special Needs
Further Learning
Assistive Technology Equipment List
List of resources and technology options provided by ATech.
Assistive Technology Issues Checklist
Key considerations when seeking to implement smart devices and assistive technology options in group living arrangements.
Assistive Technology Resources
The ATiA is the global leader in assistive technology (AT) education and research and the premier organization for AT manufacturers, sellers and providers.
AT Village
AT Village makes it easier for families and care teams to work together to get kids with disabilities the Adaptive Technology (AT) they need in order to do the things they like to do!
Center for Assistive Technology Client Service Programs
The Center for Assistive Technology (CAT) explores the functional utility of Assistive Technology (AT) devices and services in support of persons with disabilities.
Group Homes, Independent Living & Smart Assistive Technology
Overview of strategies to incorporate smart technology options in a variety of living arrangements.
Tech Toolbox
The Arc's Tech Toolbox™ is a place to find, share, rate and review technology for people with intellectual or developmental disabilities (I/DD).
TRAID Program
Home page for the TRAID program administered by the NYS Justice Center. If you scroll down, you can choose your county and the TRAID center for that location will pop up.