Savings: PASS Plan
Plan to Achieve Self-Support
Disability Rights New York provides a closed-captioned video overview of the Plan to Achieve Self-Support, or PASS plans, which allow social security recipients to save towards work-related goals and reduce their countable income.
Further Learning
PASS Online – Cornell University
Cornell University hosts this website with basic information about PASS plans. Additionally, the website provides a PASS plan application with hints to assist in completing the application. Once finished, applicants can print the completed application to send to the Social Security Administration for review.
Plan for Achieving Self Support
The Monroe Housing Collaborative hosts this guide on how to save and build assets using a Plan to Achieve Self-Support. The guide was originally produced as part of a series of publications by New York Makes Work Pay for people with disabilities, and it includes step-by-step instructions for navigating the setup process.
Plan to Achieve Self-Support (PASS)
General information provided by the Social Security Administration on PASS savings plans for social security recipients.