Financial Assistance
Emergency Financial Supports – Introduction
Melinda Burns with Adult Education at Wildwood Programs provides this 18-minute introductory webinar on Emergency Financial Supports that may be available to you if you are eligible.
Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) & Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) – Introduction
John Maltby provides an overview of HEAP and WAP, which are energy assistance programs available for income-eligible households.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) – Introduction
John Maltby provides an overview of SNAP, which is a program that provides food subsidies to low-income people.
Further Learning
A Quick Guide to SNAP Eligibility and Benefits
Guide to SNAP benefits provided by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.
EmPower New York Program
EmPower New York provides low cost energy improvements to a home for income-eligible New Yorkers.
Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)
HEAP is a program administered by NYS OTDA for income-eligible New Yorkers to receive a variety of heating and cooling assistance, including regular and emergency benefits, repair and replace services, clean and tune services, and cooling assistance.
myBenefits NYS
The myBenefits homepage provided by NYS to sign up for benefits such as SNAP, HEAP, etc.
NYS Community Action Programs
A Community Action program is located in each county of the state and receives funding to combat poverty by providing services and supports to those who are income eligible. The link provides a list of these agencies by county with individual links to each agency website.
SNAP Eligibility
Overview provided by the USDA of the eligibility requirements and benefit amounts for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).
UI and COVID-19 Video
Disability Rights New York provides a closed-captioned video overview of Unemployment Insurance during the era of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Unemployment Benefits Fact Sheet
Disability Rights New York provides a written fact sheet that outlines eligibility for unemployment and how to claim benefits.
Weatherization Assistance Program
Homepage for the WAP program in NYS administered by HCR.
Catholic Charities USA – Find a Local Agency
There are 168 agencies of the nationwide Catholic Charities network that offer a broad array of services to all people in need. Use this search tool to find an agency in your area.