Everything Credit – Introduction
Melinda Burns with Adult Education at Wildwood Programs provides this 16-minute introductory webinar on Everything Credit where she answers key questions related to building credit and maintaining a credit history.
Further Learning
Better Money Habits – Credit
Better Money Habits is a free online resource through the Bank of America in partnership with Khan Academy that provides videos and brief summaries of many topics related to financial wellness. At the link below, you can access several videos, infographics, and brief written summaries on many topics related to building and maintaining an excellent credit score.
Request your free Credit Reports
Use this form to securely request a free copy of your credit report from each of the three credit reporting agencies - Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.
What is Credit?
Hands on Banking provides many free resources to help with understanding credit, including a brief video explaining credit as well as an overview of the risk and benefits of establishing and maintaining credit.
Your Credit Report
Hands on Banking provides many free resources to help with understanding credit reports, including a video explaining the basics of credit reports along with written instructions on how to access and review your personal credit report.
Your Credit Score
Hands on Banking provides many free resources to help with understanding credit scores, including a video explaining how a credit score is determined along with written recommendations for how to improve your credit score.