- ABLE accountAchieving a Better Life Experience account - A savings plan for people with disabilities that allows them to save money without affecting eligibility for federal benefits like Medicaid and SSI.
- ACCES-VRAdult Career and Continuing Education Rehabilitation Services - NYSED program providing job training, educational, and employment support services for people with disabilities.
- ACFAdministration for Children and Families (HHS) - A division of HHS that provides funding and oversight for social services that support children, families, and communities.
- ACLAdministration for Community Living (HHS) - A division of HHS focused on increasing access to community support for older adults and people with disabilities.
- ADLActivities of Daily Living - Basic self-care tasks such as eating, bathing, dressing, toileting, and moving around.
- ADMAdministrative Directive Memoranda - Official guidance documents issued by state agencies to clarify policies and procedures.
- AMAPApproved Medication Administration Personnel - Individuals trained and certified to administer medications in certain healthcare and residential settings.
- AMIArea Median Income - The midpoint of household income levels in a specific geographic area, used to determine eligibility for housing programs.
- APPLAAnother Planned Permanent Living Arrangement - A permanency planning goal for youth in foster care who are unlikely to be reunified with their families or adopted.
- APSAdult Protective Services - State or county agency providing support and protection for vulnerable adults who may be at risk of abuse, neglect, or exploitation.
- AT Assistive Technology - Devices or equipment that help people with disabilities perform everyday tasks and improve their independence.
- BIPBehavioral Intervention Plan - A plan that outlines specific strategies to address challenging behaviors in individuals, often used in educational settings.
- BOCESBoard of Cooperative Educational Services - A New York State organization that provides shared educational programs and services to school districts.
- Budget AuthorityThe authorization provided by law for federal agencies to incur financial obligations.
- CABConsumer Advisory Board - An advisory board for Willowbrook survivors to provide guidance and feedback on services and policies impacting people with disabilities.
- CASCoordinated Assessment System - A standardized assessment tool used to evaluate the needs and preferences of people with disabilities.
- CASACourt Appointed Special Advocates - Volunteers appointed by a judge to advocate for the best interests of children in the foster care system.
- CCCare Coordination - A service model that helps people access, coordinate, and manage their health and social care needs.
- CCOCare Coordination Organization - An organization that provides care coordination for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) in New York State.
- CCSCongregate Care Supplement - A New York State supplement to SSI for people living in certified congregate care residences.
- CDBChildhood Disability Benefit - A Social Security benefit for disabled children of a retired, deceased, or disabled worker.
- CDDCouncil on Developmental Disabilities - A state council that seeks to advance services and supports for people with developmental disabilities to enhance all facets of community life.
- CDPASConsumer Directed Personal Assistance Services - A program that allows people with disabilities to hire and manage their own home care providers.
- CFTSSChildren and Family Treatment and Support Services - Medicaid services in New York that offer therapeutic and supportive care for children and families.
- CHHUNYChildren's Health Home of Upstate NY - A health home program providing comprehensive care management for children with chronic conditions in upstate New York.
- CMCare Manager - A professional who helps individuals access and manage health and social services based on their needs.
- CMSCenters for Medicare and Medicaid Services - A federal agency within HHS responsible for administering Medicare, Medicaid, and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP).
- COM HABCommunity Habilitation - A service that provides people with disabilities support to live independently and engage in their communities.
- CONCertificate of Need - A legal document required in some states before constructing new healthcare facilities or services.
- COSCircle of Support - A group of people who come together to provide support, guidance, and advocacy for an individual with disabilities.
- CPPCConfirmation to Proceed with Program Certification - Approval from OPWDD allowing a program to proceed with service certification in New York.
- CQLCouncil on Quality Leadership - An organization that promotes standards and best practices for supporting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
- CRCommunity Residences - Group homes or other types of residential settings that provide support and supervision for individuals with disabilities.
- CROCertified Residential Opportunities - Certified residential placement options for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
- CSECommittee on Special Education - A team within public schools that evaluates and supports the needs of students with disabilities.
- CSIDDCrisis Services for Individuals with IDD - Emergency support services for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities in crisis.
- CTSCommunity Transition Services - A transition stipend service that assists people to move from Medicaid-funded institutional settings to community-based living arrangements.
- DARSDivision of Administration & Revenue Support - A division that handles administrative and revenue-related functions.
- DASNYDormitory Authority of the State of New York - A New York State authority that finances and builds facilities for schools, healthcare providers, and other institutions.
- DAY HABDay Habilitation - A daytime program that provides social, recreational, and skill-building activities for people with disabilities.
- DDDevelopmental Disability - A group of conditions that arise during the developmental period, impacting daily functioning.
- DDP1Developmental Disability Profile 1 - An assessment form used by OPWDD for demographic information and tracking individuals in the service system.
- DDP2Developmental Disability Profile 2 - An assessment tool used by OPWDD to determine service needs and eligibility.
- DDPCDevelopmental Disabilities Planning Council - Former name for the NYS Council on Developmental Disabilities (CDD).
- DDRODevelopmental Disability Regional Office - OPWDD's regional office responsible for coordinating services and supports for people with developmental disabilities.
- DDSODevelopmental Disabilities Service Office - A local office under OPWDD that provides services to people with developmental disabilities.
- DMEDurable Medical Equipment - Medical equipment that provides therapeutic benefits and is reusable, such as wheelchairs and hospital beds.
- DOHDepartment of Health - The state agency responsible for public health, medical care, and health regulations.
- DQIDivision of Quality Improvement - A division that oversees quality assurance in healthcare and disability services.
- DSPDirect Support Professional - An individual who provides direct care and support to people with disabilities in various settings.
- DSSDepartment of Social Services - State or local government agency that provides welfare, financial assistance, and protective services.
- E-ModsEnvironmental Modifications - Changes made to a living space to make it accessible for people with disabilities.
- E-ScoresEvacuation Scores - Measurements used to assess the effectiveness and speed of evacuating individuals in emergencies.
- EDU.S. Department of Education - The federal agency responsible for national education policies and programs, including special education.
- EIEarly Intervention - Services for infants and toddlers with developmental delays or disabilities to support early growth and learning.
- EIDEarned Income Disregard - A Social Security work incentive allowing some earnings to be excluded from income calculations.
- EITCEarned Income Tax Credit - A federal tax credit for low-income workers to incentivize and support employment.
- EMODEnvironmental Modification - Adaptations to a home or environment to support people with disabilities.
- FACEFamily and Community Engagement Center - Regional centers under NYSED OSE for supporting families of children with disabilities by providing information about early childhood and school age resources.
- FBAFunctional Behavioral Analysis - An assessment to identify the causes of challenging behaviors and develop strategies to address them.
- FBRFederal Benefit Rate - The base amount of monthly income provided by the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program.
- FDFront Door - The entry process for families seeking services from the NYS Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD).
- FDCFacilities Development Corporation - An organization involved in constructing and renovating state facilities, including those for people with disabilities.
- FIFiscal Intermediary - An agency managing funds for individuals with disabilities, supporting self-direction budget management and service provision (see SD, SDS).
- FMRFair Market Rent - The standard rental rate set by HUD for determining housing subsidy limits in a specific area.
- Front DoorInitial point of contact for families seeking OPWDD eligibility and services for people with developmental disabilities.
- FSSFamily Self-Sufficiency - A HUD program that promotes employment by allowing participants to save rent increases incurred from higher earnings.
- FUPFamily Unification Program - A HUD program providing housing assistance to families and youth at risk of separation due to lack of stable housing.
- FYIFoster Youth to Independence - A HUD initiative offering housing vouchers to young adults aging out of foster care.
- HCBSHome and Community-Based Services - A Medicaid waiver program allowing states to provide flexible services for individuals in community settings.
- HCRHomes and Community Renewal - The NY state agency responsible for funding and overseeing affordable housing programs in New York.
- HCVHousing Choice Vouchers - A HUD program that provides rental assistance through Section 8 for low-income families to afford decent, safe, and sanitary housing.
- HEAPHome Energy Assistance Program - Federal program that helps low-income households with their heating and cooling bills.
- HFAHousing Finance Agency - An organization that provides funding and support for affordable housing development.
- HHSDepartment of Health and Human Services - Federal department focused on health and social service programs.
- HIPAAHealth Insurance Portability and Accountability Act - A federal law protecting sensitive patient health information.
- HITHealth Information Technology - The technology used to store, share, and analyze health information.
- HOYOHome of Your Own - An OPWDD program offering low-interest loans for housing for individuals with I/DD and direct support professionals.
- HUDDepartment of Housing & Urban Development - Federal agency responsible for national housing policy and community development programs.
- I AMI AM Assessment - A self-assessment tool for individuals with disabilities focusing on personal goals and needs.
- I/DDIntellectual or Developmental Disabilities - Disabilities that affect intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior, often qualifying for OPWDD services.
- ICFIntermediate Care Facility - A residential facility providing specialized health and rehabilitation services for individuals with disabilities.
- IDAIndividual Development Account - A savings account for individuals with disabilities that allows exempting funds from SSI asset limits.
- IDDIntellectual and Developmental Disabilities - Disabilities that affect intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior, often qualifying for OPWDD services.
- IDGSIndividual Directed Goods and Services - Goods and services funded through Medicaid waivers as part of a self-direction budget to increase independence and promote health and safety (see SD, SDS).
- IDTInterdisciplinary Team - A group of professionals working together to develop and implement an individual’s care plan.
- ILCIndependent Living Center - A nonprofit organization providing support services to people with disabilities by people with disabilities to live independently.
- ILPIndependent Living Program - Program supporting independent living skills for youth in foster care.
- IPOPIndividualized Plan of Protective Oversight - A plan to ensure the safety and well-being of individuals receiving OPWDD services.
- IRAIndividualized Residential Alternative - A group home setting for individuals with disabilities providing various supports.
- IRWEImpairment Related Work Expense - Expenses related to a disability that can be deducted from earned income when calculating SSI benefits.
- ISHIntegrated Supportive Housing - Affordable housing integrated with support services for individuals with disabilities.
- ISPMIndividual Service Planning Model - A tool for creating a budget based on an individual’s assessed needs.
- ISSIndividualized Supports and Services - State-funded supports similar to Section 8, helping people with I/DD with rental subsidies.
- ITPIntensive Treatment Program - An OPWDD program providing specialized support for individuals with significant behavioral needs.
- LCEDLevel of Care Eligibility Determination - An assessment to determine eligibility for Medicaid-funded services.
- LICLive-in Caregiver - A person who provides fellowship and protection support to a person with a disability who lives in their own home. Also, a service available through self-direction (see SD, SDS).
- LITCLow Income Housing Tax Credits - A program providing tax incentives for the development of affordable rental housing.
- LPLife Plan - A comprehensive plan of supports and services for an individual receiving Medicaid Waiver services.
- LRELeast Restrictive Environment - A principle in special education to educate students with disabilities alongside their peers to the greatest extent possible.
- LTCLong-Term Care - Services provided over an extended period to individuals with chronic health issues or disabilities.
- LTSSLong-Term Supports and Services - Supports that assist individuals with disabilities in living independently, such as housing and employment support.
- LTVLoan to Value - A ratio used in mortgage lending to assess risk based on the loan amount and property value.
- MCOManaged Care Organization - A company that manages health services for a set group of people, often to reduce costs.
- MEDISKEDMEDISKED - Electronic Health Information Technology software used by Care Coordination Organizations for record-keeping and care planning.
- MFPMoney Follows the Person - A program supporting individuals with disabilities in transitioning from institutional settings to community living.
- MSCMedicaid Service Coordination - A service that helps people with disabilities coordinate benefits and access resources.
- MUNIMunicipal Bonds - Bonds issued by local governments to finance public projects, including housing.
- NADSPNational Alliance for Direct Support Professionals - An organization focused on supporting direct care workers in the disability sector.
- NCINational Core Indicator - A set of performance measures used to assess services for people with disabilities.
- NEDNon-Elderly Disabled vouchers - HUD vouchers that help younger adults with disabilities afford housing.
- NODNotice of Decision - An official notification of a decision made regarding a person's benefits or services.
- NOFANotice of Funding Availability - An announcement of available federal or state funding for programs and services.
- NPANurse Practice Act - Regulations that define the scope of nursing practice in each state.
- NYAIINew York Alliance for Inclusion and Innovation - An association seeking to advance positive system change and innovation in services for people with developmental disabilities and the agencies that support them.
- NYCHANew York City Housing Authority - An agency providing affordable housing to low-income residents in New York City.
- NYCRRNew York Codes, Rules, and Regulations - The codified regulations governing various areas of New York State law.
- NYSACRANew York State Association of Community and Residential Agencies - A former association in New York State that merged with NYSRA in 2017 to form the New York Alliance for Inclusion and Innovation (NYAII).
- NYSEDNew York State Education Department - State department responsible for oversight of education services in New York.
- NYSRANew York State Rehabilitation Association - A former association in New York State that merged with NYSACRA in 2017 to form the New York Alliance for Inclusion and Innovation (NYAII).
- OCFSNew York State Office of Children and Family Services - Provides support and services to children and families, including foster care.
- OMHNew York State Office of Mental Health - Manages mental health services and programs across New York State.
- OMRDDSee OPWDD - State agency now called the Office for People With Developmental Disabilities.
- OPWDDOffice for People With Developmental Disabilities - State agency that oversees and provides support services to individuals with developmental disabilities.
- OSEOffice of Special Education - Oversees special education programs and services under NYSED.
- OTDAOffice of Temporary and Disability Assistance - Oversees social service programs like welfare and disability benefits.
- OTPSOther Than Personal Services - A self-direction budget category for expenses unrelated to direct labor or salaries (see SD, SDS).
- PAPersonal Allowance - A portion of income allowed for personal expenses in programs like SSI.
- PASSPlan for Achieving Self Support - A Social Security plan allowing individuals to save money for employment-related goals without affecting SSI eligibility.
- PCPPerson-Centered Planning - An approach to care that focuses on the person first, including their personal goals, dreams, and preferences.
- PHAPublic Housing Authority - An organization that provides affordable housing to low-income residents.
- PILOTPayment in Lieu of Taxes - An agreement where a property owner makes payments to a local government instead of paying property taxes.
- PIOCPrice Index of Operating Costs - A measure used to adjust rent based on operating cost changes.
- PNPaid Neighbor - An person who is paid a stipend through a self-direction budget to be an on call support to a person with disabilities (see SD, SDS).
- POAPower of Attorney - A legal document granting one person authority to act on behalf of another.
- POMPersonal Outcome Measures - A tool for evaluating the quality of life of people receiving disability services.
- PPAPrior Property Approval - A letter from OPWDD confirming support for people with I/DD in a certified residence.
- PRAPersonal Resource Account - An account used for managing funds allocated to a person with disabilities for personal expenses.
- PTICParent Training Information Center - A resource for families and professionals regarding special education services, rights, and responsibilities that is funded by the U.S. Department of Education (ED).
- RACRental Assistance Corporation - An organization that provides rental assistance to low-income households.
- RFARequest for Application - A formal request for grant or funding applications, often from government agencies.
- RHIORegional Health Information Organization - An organization that facilitates the secure exchange of health information across a region.
- RRRResidential Replacement Reserve - A fund set aside for the future repair and replacement of building systems in residential facilities.
- RSARequest for Services Access - A form submitted to OPWDD to request specific services for individuals with developmental disabilities.
- RTCResidential Treatment Centers - Facilities providing therapeutic residential services for individuals with severe behavioral and emotional issues.
- SAPStaff Action Plan - A document outlining staff responsibilities and tasks to support an individual's care plan.
- SARFService Amendment Request Form - A form used to request changes or additions to services in an individual’s plan.
- SCPASurrogate's Court Procedure Act - A New York State law outlining procedures for surrogate’s court, including guardianship for individuals with disabilities.
- SDSelf-Direction - An approach to services that gives people the power to control their own services to live the lives they want.
- SDMSupported Decision-Making - A practice that allows people with disabilities to make their own choices with support from trusted people; an alternative to guardianship.
- SDSSelf-Directed Services - Services that allow people with disabilities to have control over how and who provides their care.
- SEMPSupported Employment - Employment services designed to assist individuals with disabilities in finding and maintaining jobs.
- SILPSupervised Independent Living Program - A program providing youth in foster care with support and supervision to help them live independently.
- SNAPSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - A federal program offering food assistance to low-income individuals and families (formerly known as Food Stamps).
- SNFSkilled Nursing Facility - A healthcare facility that provides skilled nursing care and related services to individuals needing medical or rehabilitative support.
- SNTSpecial Needs Trust - A trust designed to hold funds for a person with disabilities without affecting their eligibility for public benefits.
- SONYMAState of New York Mortgage Agency - An agency that provides financing and mortgage assistance for low- and moderate-income residents (see HCR).
- SSDISocial Security Disability Insurance - A federal program that provides financial assistance to individuals who are unable to work due to a disability and have contributed to Social Security through their work history.
- SSISupplemental Security Income - A federal program providing financial assistance to individuals with low income who are elderly, blind, or disabled.
- SSPNew York State Supplement Program - A state-funded financial assistance program that pays a monthly benefit to supplement the federal SSI benefit awarded to qualifying individuals.
- STARSchool Tax Relief - A New York State program offering property tax relief to eligible homeowners.
- TABSTracking and Billing System - A system used by OPWDD for tracking and billing services provided to individuals with developmental disabilities.
- TAPSTechnical Assistance Partnerships - NY State Office of Special Education partnerships that provide technical assistance to improve outcomes for students with disabilities.
- USDAU.S. Department of Agriculture - A federal agency responsible for agriculture policies, food safety, and nutrition assistance programs like SNAP.
- WNYILWestern New York Independent Living, Inc. - A nonprofit organization supporting individuals with disabilities to live independently in Western New York.
- YABYouth Action Board - A group of young people providing input and guidance on HUD programs addressing youth homelessness.
- YESYouth Empowerment Support - A HUD program focused on empowering homeless and at-risk youth with housing support and resources.
- YHDPYouth Homelessness Demonstration Program - A HUD initiative to reduce youth homelessness through funding and supportive services.
- YIP Youth in Progress - An OCFS program focused on empowering youth in foster care to advocate for themselves and transition to independence.